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Mensch on a Bench Ask Papa – Talking Grandfather Doll

Shark Tank Season 06

Like any beloved grandfather, Ask Papa is both well respected and hilarious! Just like a “Magic 8 Ball,” Papa will answer your questions with advice and a little dose of chutzpah. Just like a real Jewish grandfather would.
The perfect companion for Ask Bubbe, the Mensch on a Bench’s talking grandmother, he answers any question with sound advice and commentary such as, “Would it kill you to call me once in a while?” or “Ok, but don’t tell your Bubbe.” Have some Q&A fun with the whole family during Hanukkah and all year-round!

Mensch on a Bench (Talking Mensch)

Shark Tank Season 06

Talking Mensch on a Bench
Teaches over 20 words
Replaceable Batteries


Mensch on a Bench As Seen on Shark Tank The Hanukkah Decor with Hardcover Book and Removable Bench

Original price was: $32.99.Current price is: $27.88.
Shark Tank Season 06

Adding More Funukkah to Hanukkah: the Mensch on a Bench is a NEW Hanukkah Tradition meant to bring families together
Mensch on a Bench was created by a Jewish father who wanted to teach his sons about the Jewish holiday while adding new traditions to the family
First came the story of Moshe the Mends hold the Such who helped Judah Maccabee at the temple. Moshe played dreidel, loved gelt, and was a true Mensch. Next came the doll which coulamash candle and watch over the Menorah

Mensch on a Bench The As Seen on Shark Tank a Hanukkah Tradition Signed Hardcover Book

Shark Tank Season 06

Adding More Funukkah to Hanukkah:the Mensch on a Bench is a NEW Hanukkah Tradition meant to bring families together
Mensch on a Bench was created by a Jewish father who wanted to teach his sons about the Jewish holiday while adding new traditions to the family
First came the story of Moshe the Mensd hold the Shch who helped Judah Maccabee at the temple. Moshe played dreidel, loved gelt, and was a true Mensch. Next came the doll which coulamash candle and watch over the Menorah